Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Eve Updates

A quote from Pastor Nick...

"How did things go on Christmas Eve?

If you were not able to be with us, I'd encourage you to check out the podcast at www.bponline.org

We had over 2,800 people attend the four services and I am still receiving emails from people who were deeply moved. In fact, I spoke with two Bay Pointe families on Christmas Eve who said it was their one-year anniversary – their first service was Christmas Eve 2008.

My hope is that many who attended will come back and continue a journey that will lead them to the cross of Christ."

I cannot agree more!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Eve Services

Just a reminder that you are invited to join us for Christmas Eve services at Bay Pointe Community Church. Services will be at 1:00, 3:00, 5:00 and 7:00 PM. Michael will be baking for the volunteers and we will both greet at all services. Pastor Nick has a special message planned and the music is always wonderful. Come alone, come with family, come with friends, come join us! We look forward to seeing you there.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Life with Deb, Rob and Erin

I met Deb and Rob in 1985, when I photographed their engagement session. Erin was born a few years later. I have been photographing their family almost every year since then.

A few years ago, just after Christmas, Erin was home and Deb and Rob were in Texas. As Erin watched in horror, a fire ball raced through their home. Because it was electrical, the fire department could not extinguish the fire until the main power line was shut off. That time delay kept the fire burning and the home was completely destroyed. If the fire had been a few hours later, Erin would have been sleeping and could not have escaped the explosion. Deb is still so thankful that they came home to a burned out house and not for a funeral.

I was able to replace every portrait that I had taken over all those years, but it was a slow and tedious process. Deb and I met several times to look at the negatives from the burned portraits and make decisions as to which portraits would be replaced as wall portraits and which portraits would become part of a family album. After that, we chose frames for the wall portraits. Since many of the frames were no longer made, we got to choose new frames.

I delivered two portraits soon after the house was completed, to start with the "making the house a home" process. The album came next, so Deb was able to see the family change over the years.

Yesterday was an encouraging day. I met with Deb to hang the final wall portraits and to help with the "stairway wall." Deb and Rob's original stairway wall had twenty years of family portraits and candid events. Deb showed me the photograph of the original burned wall, with white blobs of melted goo that had held precious memories. Deb started from scratch and created new memory photographs, then framed each photograph or group of photographs. She was able to salvage a few charred photographs and made the best of the horrible situation. We took each group and started hanging. It started with a portrait of Rob's parents, then Deb and Rob's wedding portraits, then years of family memories. There is one spot left at the bottom of the stairs for them to create a new photograph during Christmas this year.

I was struck by the few bites of laughter that could come out of the tragedy. Deb showed me a photograph of Rob's sunglasses. They looked like a modern art exhibit. The frames stayed the same and the glasses melted into a colorful blob. Their soap dispenser in the bathroom was a melted blob of goo with melted soap dripping out of the bottom. The funniest image was of the check that they had written to their housekeeper. The check was in perfect condition, surrounded by charred everything!

This replacement order cost over $10,000. If we had replaced every wall portrait and every smaller portrait exactly as the original orders, it would have been $30,000. I left in awe of the rebuilding process and the healing that they have had to endure. I left thanking God for a friendship that I have enjoyed over the years.

Deb says it is "the same, but different." I agree.

Monday, November 2, 2009

pretty pups

Mom Shelley brought her four legged girls
for their Christmas portrait.

They are best friends.
Look at the paw holding!

They are so well behaved and so regal!

Guess who had enough?
She worked hard and was all tired out!

We had a great time with the girls!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Artist Jenn

Jenn is an artist! A very good artist!

Jenn ordered a folio with eight of her favorite images.

She didn't just write the pose numbers down.

She drew the poses!

She drew them very well!

If Jenn were not going to college to be a vet, she should become a caricature artist.

See if you can match the drawings to the portraits below.

These drawings are adorable, just like Jenn!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sad for Mom

Mom called last night with very sad news.

Mom and Aggie are both 81 years old and have been friends since kindergarten. Mom survived Stage 3B ovarian cancer 12 years ago and Aggie was with her, praying for Mom and giving her lots of encouragement. A few years ago, Aggie got cancer. She had been in remission, but now it is back, with a vengeance. Now it is Mom's turn, to be there for Aggie.

It is very hard to lose a friend, especially after being friends for 75 years. They have been through so many good times and hard times together.

I created a portrait of Aggie and Bob for their 50th anniversary. It was a beautiful portrait, taken on their farm. Aggie did not feel well last year for their 60th, so they did not have an anniversary portrait taken. I am so glad that they took the time to have their portrait taken on their 50th anniversary. It will be a great memory for their children and grandchildren.

About nine years ago, I photographed Aggie and Bob's daughter, who is a nun in a convent in Italy. When Sister asked me who my favorite portrait session had been, I had to tell her..it was her! Sister is such a delight to spend time with. Her sweet spirit and gentle manner is contagious. Her love of our Lord is so obvious! Sister is now back home to be with her parents. I am so glad she is here, but sad for the reason.

I told Mom that everyone thought she would be the first of the group of friends to go, with the advanced cancer that she had. Now that she has survived, it looks like she will live to be 100!

I will pray for Aggie and her family. If you are led to join me, that would be wonderful.

Monday, September 28, 2009

I am a Gram (sort of)

Mark and I have been friends for over 35 years (since high school). He escorted me down the aisle when I married Michael eight years ago.

Mark has a son, Matthew. I photographed Mark and Matthew when Matthew was two years old. It is still one of my favorite portraits. Matthew was talking about a truck and Mark was listening intently. The expressions are priceless.

I photographed Mark and Matthew again, when Matthew was 13. He was almost as tall as his father.

Mark and Matthew and I had a lot of fun when Matt was a teenager. Matt was born on the same date as my niece, so we had great birthday parties. He was so much fun to feed! That boy could eat!

I got to play Mom/Friend for the two years that Matt played Varsity Football in Hartland. I did not miss a game! Matt always made a point to stop and say hi to his dad and me before he went into the locker room or headed for the bus. Since I never had children of my own, it was so nice to have a part time son.

I photographed Matthew's senior portraits. By then, he was over six feet tall.

Matt married Sarah a few years ago. I will always remember the wonderful expression that Matt had when he saw Sarah for the first time as she walked down the aisle.

Matt and Sarah had a baby boy on Thursday evening. Grandpa Mark is smiling from ear to ear. I decided that since I have known Matt since his birth, and I got to play Mom/Friend during his teenage years, then I can be a Grandma, too! So...I am a Gram (sort of)!

I cannot wait to meet my grandson!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Squirrels and Chipmunks

If you have ever been to our studio, you know about the window right behind our desk. It gives us a great view of the squirrels under the bird feeder.

Last winter, when it was so cold, the squirrels would hang out under the bird feeder, waiting for a morsel or two. I felt sorry for them, so I started feeding them corn at the base of the feeder. Well...they trained me! They learned to knock on the window, so I would toss corn out to them. If you have never seen a squirrel knock at the window, know that you will be cracking up! They tilt their little heads from side to side to see if anyone is inside. We have little squirrel paw marks and nose prints on the window.

We had a mama squirrel visit us. After awhile, she brought her babies, who are now visiting us. We had a squirrel with one blind eye. I have not seen her for a week, so I hope she did not try to cross the busy road.

Now the chipmunks have decided to join the squirrels. They do not knock on the window, but their chipmunk radar is on full blast. As soon as I toss out corn to the squirrels, the chipmunks come running. They come with empty mouths and leave with as many pieces of corn that can fit in their large cheeks. They are hysterical!

The comedy routine starts when the squirrels and chipmunks start fighting for the corn. They race by each other and do backflips to get away from each other. It is quite a sight.

I never knew that something so little could entertain me so much!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fun with Jenn

I had such a great time photographing Jennifer.

I met Jennifer years ago when we photographed
her Mom and Mark's wedding.

She was a beautiful bridesmaid.

Now she is a beautiful senior.

I had fun pushing Jenn to the limit.

I think I tortured her.

This image looks like I did!

The most fun part of the session was near the end.

Jenn's mom had been fixing her hair during the session.

Jenn must have had enough.

While she was getting into position for this image,
I stepped behind her to pull her shirt down.

She let out a "Mom, leave me alone,"
with the complete eye roll going.

After I smacked her on her bottom
(after all, I was standing over her),
I reminded Jenn that her mother was in front of her
and I was the one who was fussing over her!

That set us all off! We laughed and laughed!

Thanks, Jenn, for keeping me laughing!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

way behind

Wow, I promised that I would update more often and I am guilty of not following up on my promise. I will try to be better about it.

Lots happening and not enough time in the day to keep up.

Back to work!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Pet Tags

This is just a reminder to all pet owners to make sure that their pets have identification tags on their collars.

We came home from a wonderful family beach session on Monday night, only to find a young woman crying over a dog that she hit with her car on Three Mile, in front of the studio. It was a beautiful dog with a collar, but no tags. We had no way to find the owners. The police officer had to put the dog by the side of the road and hope that the owners found it.

Yesterday, the dog was gone. We are glad that someone found the dog, but so sad that the owners do not know what happened.

It is so sad when a pet escapes, but even more sad when something tragic happens and we do not know how to contact the owner.

Please have a tag with the pet's name, the owner's name and number and the vet's name. It will save much heartache later.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Lisa was beautiful and so easy to photograph!

Grogeous eyes and a great smile!

A natural at posing!

Brave enough to get in the chilly water of Mitchell Creek!

Thanks, Lisa. I cannot wait for you to see the rest!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Another great week

What a great week! We started on Sunday morning with three services at Bay Pointe Community Church. Nick Vujicic was an absolutely fantastic, incredible speaker. He had everyone laughing and crying and reevaluating our lives all at the same time. If you are ever near a venue where Nick will be speaking, run to get tickets! He is the best motivational speaker I have ever heard. Over 3200 attended the services and over 400 guests either came to know a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, or reaffirmed their lives to Christ. We came home exhausted, but energized at the same time! Go to his web site to see some of the things that Nick has done. www.lifewithoutlimbs.org

The Farm Markets have kept us hopping this week. We go to Glen Arbor on Tuesday, Leland and Elberta on Thursday, Northport, Elk Rapids and the Village at Grand Traverse Commons on Friday and Suttons Bay and Frankfort on Saturday. That leaves Monday and Wednesday for portrait sessions, so summer appointments are filling up fast.

We celebrated our eighth wedding anniversary on Tuesday with dinner at Sparky's Diner. They were so sweet to give us a hot fudge sundae to share. We drove up the Old Mission peninsula and took a romantic walk on the beach, shared a soda at the Old Mission General Store and visited the Old Mission Congregational church where we were married. It was great to get away and enjoy time together.

Back to work! We'll talk soon!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Life Without Limbs - Nick Vujicic

If your or anyone you know is coming to Traverse City this weekend, you are invited to join us at Bay Pointe Community Church for one of the most incredible services! Nick Vujicic gives an incredible story that will keep you in tears, while you laugh, too! Go to his web site for more details...lifewithoutlimbs.com

Services will be at 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM and 11:15 AM. Go to bponline.org for more details. Bay Pointe Community Church is located at 6880 Secor Road, Traverse City, MI 49684

Michael and I will be greeting at all services, so would love to shake a hand or give a hug!

We hope to see you there!

Monday, June 29, 2009

First 2010 Senior!

Congratulations to Jamie, the first Classic Gallery 2010 senior to have her order completed and delivered!

Jamie is in Fort Jackson, South Carolina for nine weeks of boot camp for the Army National Guard! Since she will be gone until a few days before school starts, Jamie had her senior portraits taken in May. One less thing to check off her list in this very busy summer!

Best of luck to Jamie! Go get em girl!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Katie is First Runner Up!

Congratulations to our Miss Heart of Michigan!
Katie LaRoche is First Runner Up for Miss Michigan!

We are so proud of you!

Katie is Top Five!

Our Miss Heart of Michigan, Katie LaRoche,
is Top Five at Miss Michigan!
More to come!

GLIP is gone

I hugged all of my photographer friends good bye yesterday and now I am ready to get back to a more "normal" routine. It was a great week of sharing and learning and working with the best models. The models are looking forward to seeing their images from the best photographers in the world!

The instructors say over and over that we have the best models of all! They teach at several schools all over the country and do not get the models like we provide them at GLIP. Our models come from all over. Michael's daughter and her boyfriend came from Ohio, Morgan and Wesley came from the Grand Rapids area and the others are our clients from Traverse City.

If you Facebook, ask to be my friend, then go to the GLIP sumo wrestling video. I laughed hysterically when I watched it live, then laughed all over again when I saw the video. The instructors are also great entertainers!

Back to work for me!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What a week!

I keep thinking that I will slow down. It is not happening! I am going faster!!!

This week, Michael and I were in charge of obtaining models for Great Lakes Institute of Photography. It is a school for professional photographers, held at NMC, taught by the best photographers in the country. Each instructor needs models to teach the students, so we were able to provide over fifty models! It has been a busy week!

Michael is now in Muskegon for Miss Michigan, so I will finish out the week for GLIP, then I will be off to the Farmers Markets.

I have had a great time this week, but look forward to slowing down next week!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Miss Michigan

Michael is in Muskegon, with our Miss Heart of Michigan,
Katie LaRoche.
Katie will participate in in Miss Michigan this week.
Each evening, there is a preliminary competition.
The pageant will be on Saturday, June 20.

Best of luck Katie!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Wonderful family beach portraits

We photographed the most wonderful family on Saturday night!

Patty's children surprised her by coming to Traverse City for the
weekend (they live all over the country),
then scheduling a family portrait on one of her favorite beaches!

We were at Good Harbor Beach on a gorgeous evening.
The clouds were perfect, the beach was quiet and the children were so much fun!

I will post images soon.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Baths and ducks and Saskatoon berries

What adventures we have had for the past three days.

On Saturday and Sunday, the studio got a bath! It looks so shiny now!

Yesterday, Michael saw a duck in the road by our driveway. He already had a broken leg, but he must have been hit by a car and he was hurt even more. He let us put him in a milk crate to rest for awhile. We thought he was beyond repair, but a few hours later, he rallied back to life. We put him in the creek and off he swam, one leg strong! It was a happy ending...

Last night, Michael picked up eight Saskatoon berry trees. If you do not know what a Saskatoon berry is, go on line and check it out! They are so interesting! Michael is so excited to become a Saskatoon berry farmer (in his spare time)!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hello blog

It's been months since I have blogged. Must be that I have been up to my eyeballs with way too many projects.

If you have driven past the studio, you will see that it is for sale. We are shopping for property, so selling the studio property will give us the down payment that is required for a larger piece of land. Once this sells, we will let everyone know where Classic Gallery (and a new venture - so exciting!) will live.

Lots of cleaning and sorting is happening here!

Monday, April 6, 2009

What, No Snow?

I am shocked. No snow in Traverse City today. Downstate got slammed and we are under sunny skies. What a change from the past frigid, snowy winter. My crocuses have peeked out, so maybe they believe spring will actually come. Come spring, come!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

New Kids in Town

Welcome to the Richards family, the new kids in town.

They recently moved from Phoenix to chilly northern Michigan.

The children were delightful!

Big sisters were the best!

They made Henri smile a bunch!

We are glad you are here!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

My favorite Spring Special portraits

Contessa the bunny was wonderful with the children.

Her mother, Onica, was the best rabbit/children wrangler!

Every year, I have a few favorite portraits from our Spring Special.

This is one.

Where did Monty go?

I love the expressions on Kyle and Stella's faces!

This is another.

Ellianna shows such enthusiasm!

She shows her beautifully painted nails, too!

It was a very fun weekend!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Jacob the Adorable

Six month old Jacob visited us today.

Yes, he is adorable!

He didn't mind being naked either!

He is such a happy baby, and adorable, too!

Monday, March 9, 2009

24 hours of sun and snow

Last week, we were going to photograph Courtney at the State Hospital in the snow. It got really warm and muddy looking, so we were going to cancel the session. Little did we know that we would get a blizzard last night and the snow was beautiful again. The weather was warm enough (well, kind of - not summer warm, but not below zero cold!) and Courtney only turned blue near the end of the session.

We had a great time and got some great images. We took Courtney to the Silver Tree Deli to warm her up with hot chocolate and send her on her way.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Portraits with Katie - Our new Miss Heart of Michigan

Today was our first official portrait session
with Miss Heart of Michigan,
Katie LaRoche.

Katie was a delight to work with.

She photographed beautifully!

We look forward to spending lots of time with Katie this year!

To see more images from the Miss Heart of Michigan scholarship pageant, go to our web site, www.missheartofmichigan.org

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Congratulations to Miss Heart 2009

Congratulations to Miss Katie LaRoche, our new
Miss Heart of Michigan.

She's got style, she's got class, she's got talent, she's got
a new crown.

We will show images as soon as they are completed.

We actually had Dr. Kaberle photograph the event,
so we could enjoy the show as hosts.

Happy end of Valentine's Day!

Friday, January 30, 2009

End of January

It is amazing! It is the end of January and it's still snowing and very cold! This has been the coldest January in thirty years and I love it! Mom said I was insane. I am not sure if she means insane all of the time or just insane for loving winter.

As long as it stays cold, I can keep a lid on my hot flashes. I love winter! Summer is too hot for me!

Michael keeps baking wonderful things to warm up the kitchen and I get to taste test them. I love being married to a wonderful baker, who also photographs, who is also the Executive Director of Miss Heart of Michigan.

Speaking of Miss Heart, join us on February 14 for the Miss Heart of Michigan Scholarship Pageant, at the Park Place Dome. It will be great fun. We may witness the crowning of the next Miss America!

Stay warm and I will enjoy the cold.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Chris and Erica's wedding

Michael and I photographed Chris and Erica's wedding in November.
I photographed Erica's senior portraits ten years ago.
Erica was a beautiful senior.
She was a stunning bride!

This is the same church where I photographed my very first wedding,

The children were wonderful.

We had a great time, even in the November sleeting rain, snow and cold!

The reception was so beautiful.
I was able to visit with a number of clients who were guests.
It felt like old home week.

What a wonderful couple!

Chris says this image goes in the Man Cave!

Erica cracks me up!

I feel such a great connection with Erica's family.
I photographed Erica and Michelle's senior portraits.
Michael and I photographed their family portraits on
their Lake Michigan beach,
the night before they had to leave their cottage forever.
We witnessed the most beautiful sunset ever!
God showed His glory that evening!
Their cottage and property became part of the
Sleeping Bear Dunes National Park.

Her parents are incredible people.
Her grandfather (my mother's "baby" doctor) delivered me,
so long ago!
I am so honored to be a part of their family events.

We wish Chris and Erica years and years of happiness!